The Mundus Journalism Consortium is able to offer a limited number of student scholarships. The scholarships are divided in two categories. Category A scholarships are worth EUR48,000 (US$60,206) and are available to students from non-European Union countries.


How to apply to the Mundus Journalism programme The application deadline for the 2021-2023 programm was the 10th of January 2021. We are thrilled as we received more than 400 applications! The call for applications for the 2022-2024 programme will be launched the 1st of November 2021.

We are thrilled as we received more than 400 applications! The call for applications for the 2022-2024 programme will be launched the 1st of November 2021. Requirements for admission to the Mundus Journalism programme: A bachelor's degree within a relevant field of study Documentation of your English skills if you are not a native English speaker At least 3 months of journalistic experience The Erasmus Mundus Journalism program is a two-year Joint Master's that focuses on journalism, media and globalisation. The program brings together 82 students from all over the globe who study in Aarhus, Denmark for the first year, producing analytical journalistic pieces for a class assignment.

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Erasmus Mundus is a mobility programme with the aim of enhancing the quality of European higher education and encouraging dialogue between people of different cultures. It is a multiple master’s degree programme available The Erasmus Mundus scholarship rewards differ according to the candidate's nationality, course level, and duration. The non-European students receive a higher Erasmus Mundus scholarship amount than the European students. The selected candidates of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship programme will receive the following benefits: The Erasmus Mundus EMA is the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association. EMA was founded in 2006 and is registered as an AISBL non-profit organisation. Our aims are to help EMJMD students and alumni, promote higher education, and be a go-to network for our Alumni across the world. Join our two-year Erasmus Mundus MA degree programme in Journalism, Media and Glo­balisation.

Since 2005, Mundus Journalism has been connecting people and building networks of like-minded peers and colleagues across the globe! Join the Mundus Journalism programme to engage with peers and staff from more than 100 countries across the globe in an ambitious, interdisciplinary and multicultural environment.

The tuition fee for the whole two-year Mundus Journalism master's programme is known to be low compared to other European MA programmes. Furthermore, you will not have to pay the entire amount at admission - instead the tuition fee will be invoiced in instalments of €4500 prior to each semester.

The programme itself focuses on journalism… The Erasmus Mundus Journalism programme is for you! This programme is a result of a venture formed by the Erasmus Mundus programme.

Mundus journalism program

4, Programmet måste ha minst en sökande för att inkluderas här, sökande Masterprogram, ICT Innovation, Digital media teknik KTH, 25, 101 Växtbiologi för hållbar produktion - masterprogram; Erasmus Mundus Plant 

Mundus journalism program

This programme is a result of a venture formed by the Erasmus Mundus programme. Since 2004, the Mundus Journalism Consortium aims to offer a Mundus Master’s degree in journalism. The programme itself focuses on journalism, media, and globalisation, and lasts for two years. The good news? 2017-11-12 · The Erasmus Mundus Journalism programme is a master’s degree that offers a unique educational experience with students studying and living in at least two European countries. The first year of the degree is spent in Denmark with the entire cohort.

Mundus journalism program

The program brings together 82 students from all over the globe who study in Aarhus, Denmark for the first year, producing analytical journalistic pieces for a class assignment. The tuition fee for the whole two-year Mundus Journalism master's programme is known to be low compared to other European MA programmes. Furthermore, you will not have to pay the entire amount at admission - instead the tuition fee will be invoiced in instalments of €4500 prior to each semester. The two-year international Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Journalism, Media and Globalisation provides aspiring and practicing journalists with a more critical understanding of their profession, to create more academically sound, critical, and globally minded media professionals. The Erasmus Mundus Journalism programme is for you! This programme is a result of a venture formed by the Erasmus Mundus programme.
Thomas rostedt

Mundus journalism program

2015-12-02 · The Mundus Journalism programme consists of a common year for all students at Aarhus University and the Danish School of Media and Journalism, and a second specialism year at one of the programme’s other four European partners: Business and Financial Journalism (City University, London) War and Conflict (Swansea University) Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Requirements.

Students on the programme study and live in at least two European countries. They engage in lively and insightful discussions with classmates from around the world in an interdisciplinary and intercultural environment that is both international and ambitious.
Bilbolaget verkstad

The tuition fee for the whole two-year Mundus Journalism master's programme is known to be low compared to other European MA programmes. Furthermore, you will not have to pay the entire amount at admission - instead the tuition fee will be invoiced in instalments of €4500 prior to each semester.

Igen i 2020 er det lykkedes en række danske videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner at få del i at videreføre eller opstarte et Erasmus Mundus-studieprogram. 5 ud af de i alt 40 bevilgede projekter i 2020 har en dansk partner eller associeret partner. The Erasmus Mundus Master's in Journalism, Media and Globalisation offers a unique educational experience.


19 - Program rokovania na nasledujúci deň: pozri. zápisnicu. defamation against journalists is indeed demonstration. that our demands are 

The two-year international Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Journalism, Media and Globalisation provides aspiring and practicing journalists with a more critical understanding of their profession, to create more academically sound, critical, and globally minded media professionals. The Erasmus Mundus Journalism programme is for you! This programme is a result of a venture formed by the Erasmus Mundus programme. Since 2004, the Mundus Journalism Consortium aims to offer a Mundus Master’s degree in journalism.